[Bug] iOS 15.4 CollectionView Cell scrolls towards the other scroll-axis direction.

Jay Lee
1 min readMay 9, 2022


Today our quality assurance manager told me that our app’s horizontal collectionView button menu scrolls up and down.

supposed to be not bouncing up and down

So I was like what the heck I haven’t even opened that file for months.

So it happened to be, in iOS version 15.4, that if the collection views’ Bounce vertically and Bounce Horizontally is set true, it always bounces no matter what the scroll direction is.

wait… it wasn’t like that before?

Nope, in iOS 14.5, even if the collection views Bounce vertically and Bounce Horizontally is true, if the “cell estimate size” is set as automatic it doesn’t bounce.

iOS 14.5 CollectionView
Bounce vertically, Bounce Horizontally = true
&& estimate size = automatic
→ doesn’t bounce

iOS 15.4 CollectionView
Bounce vertically, Bounce Horizontally = true
→ always bounce

Perhaps 15.4 one is correct and 14.5 one was a bug.

e.g. working good

looks right now.

